Cains has acted as Isle of Man counsel to Panther Metals PLC in relation to its admission to listing on the Official List of the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.
The Company, which was incorporated in the Isle of Man, was previously listed on the NEX Exchange Growth Market and focusses on the development of gold exploration opportunities in Canada and Australia. Admission became effective and dealings commenced at 8.00am on 9 January 2020.
Scott Leonard-Morgan, a director at Cains who led the Isle of Man advice on the listing, said: “It’s fantastic to see another Isle of Man company listing on the Official List of the FCA. It was a pleasure to have been able to assist the company in its successful listing and to have worked with its lead UK advisers, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe. We look forward to developing our relationship with both in the upcoming years.”